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Showing posts from June, 2010

By The Time I Get To Arizona

I am bald. Does that mean that I'm a neo-Nazi skinhead? I am tall. Does that mean I'm a basketball player? I am white. Does that mean that I'm an illegal immigrant? The majority of Arizona citizens believe the new legal (and possibly unconstitutional) push towards reducing illegal immigration is a winner. [But then again, millions love Celine Dion.] The biggest issue in Arizona Senate Bill 1070 (section B) refers to "reasonable suspicion exists that a person is an alien," and it's hard to think that the key to determining that suspicion won't be skin color. Anyway, I'll let you decide: (B) FOR ANY LAWFUL CONTACT MADE BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL OR A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OF THIS STATE OR A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL OR A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OF A COUNTY, CITY, TOWN OR OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THIS STATE WHERE REASONABLE SUSPICION EXISTS THAT THE PERSON IS AN ALIEN WHO IS UNLAWFULLY PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES, A REASONABLE ATTEMPT SHALL BE...

Thankfully, I'm Not A Parent...

...because if I was, I would have to consider firsthand the debate on schooling: public vs. charter vs. home. (And since I'm not a parent, and I don't have a dog in this hunt, I can just rant instead.) The least emphasized aspect of K-12 education (and even beyond that) is the socialization element, where prolonged verbal & non-verbal exposure to different others produces skill sets based on negotiation and tolerance (notice I didn't say "acceptance," which is often too much to ask for). And in theory, these skill sets get carried into adulthood, creating a greater likelihood of successful navigation through different social environments like work and relationships. So obviously, the home schooling element will always be deficient in the socialization department, no matter how many parent-guided social "enrichment" activities are planned. That puts only two horses in the educational race once socialization is held constant: public options and char...