I am bald. Does that mean that I'm a neo-Nazi skinhead? I am tall. Does that mean I'm a basketball player? I am white. Does that mean that I'm an illegal immigrant? The majority of Arizona citizens believe the new legal (and possibly unconstitutional) push towards reducing illegal immigration is a winner. [But then again, millions love Celine Dion.] The biggest issue in Arizona Senate Bill 1070 (section B) refers to "reasonable suspicion exists that a person is an alien," and it's hard to think that the key to determining that suspicion won't be skin color. Anyway, I'll let you decide: (B) FOR ANY LAWFUL CONTACT MADE BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL OR A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OF THIS STATE OR A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL OR A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OF A COUNTY, CITY, TOWN OR OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THIS STATE WHERE REASONABLE SUSPICION EXISTS THAT THE PERSON IS AN ALIEN WHO IS UNLAWFULLY PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES, A REASONABLE ATTEMPT SHALL BE...