What's that first number up there in the title? That's the amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: $20.2 billion. NPR has a nice article articulating the specifics, but I'm sure that most people can look at that number and gag, without ever reading a word of the details. And when it's juxtaposed with the fact that one-quarter of kids in the United States -- hence, the other number -- are currently living in poverty, it's even more nauseating, as this recent piece from 60 Minutes articulates: And after my afternoon viewing of the recent HBO documentary on Ronald Reagan , it's pretty clear to see how we got to this humanist disaster, but not so clear as to how we find a way off this rough and twisting road towards something even worse. Extricating ourselves from imperialistic overreaching and reorienting towards humane treatment of American youth (a "pro-life" argument were there ever one) is an impossi...