A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. -- dead old white property-owning men, 1789 In Monday's afternoon and evening Intro Psych classes, I talked about health psychology, and in addition to the discussions of the HPA Axis and Cognitive-Mediational Theory and religiosity as a positive coping mechanism, we had a detailed discussion of suicide. In the U.S., the demographic most at risk for suicide is the rural white male, age 65+, with access to handguns. Because I can't seem to stop thinking about thinking, I started looking at some basic facts about guns in America from sources like the CDC and Vox and The Guardian -- keeping in mind that gun ownership surveys are largely inaccurate, as Americans can still legally purchase guns in many states without a permit or licence -- but I hit the wall and stopped after I accumulated the following: *The U.S. makes up 4.5% of th...