When the first edition of David Nutt's book Drugs Without The Hot Air came out in 2012, I absolutely loved it. Informative without being dry, the book offered up evidence-based policy critiques and recommendations in nearly every chapter, while also elaborating upon the many different factors -- biological, psychological, sociocultural, economic, etc. -- that contribute to usage and addiction. Nutt (who currently works at www.drugscience.org.uk ) has recently released a revised and updated second edition, which you can purchase here: Drugs Without The Hot Air (2e) If you'd like a free sample before you take the purchase plunge -- and how druggy is that, to offer you a taste of that sweet sweet knowledge? -- you can read an excerpt here: Chapter 14 Book Excerpt Out of a bounty of information, the last chapter (Chapter 20) specially addresses young people and drugs. Since many of you might be around young people with idle time at this particular moment, why n...