Almost everyone I know has at least one moment in their lives, usually seen only in retrospect, where things could have turned very bad very quickly. A few years back, my father tumbled down the stairs at his house, his body finally halting on the cold concrete floor of the basement, and had he landed just an inch one way or another, he would have died at the base of those wooden steps. A few years after that, my grandmother had a vessel in her leg burst, and had she not called my dad -- which she initially wasn't going to do, because she didn't "want to be a bother" -- she would have bled out in her own house that she had lived in all her life. My friend had his car stall out on the train tracks while an approaching train blew out a warning, and had he not got it rolling again in time, I'd likely be speaking of him in the past tense. This year, between Christmas and New Year’s, I slid at a decent rate of speed on slushy roads into oncoming traffic on US-31, and ...