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Showing posts from January, 2022

2021: Time Is An Abstract

There used to be a time when I would prep for a "Best Of ______" list by searching and researching, documenting and revising, and remembering and forgetting. I spent a lot of time listening to music and watching movies and series, to be sure, but this year I just couldn't muster the time or concentration to remind myself that 2021 had some serious high points in cultural artifacts. It did, of course, but still. What follows is less a rank order than a document of feeling and preoccupation. Some preoccupations and feelings were stronger than others, of course, and if the past is any indication, I'll find some cool 2021 shit in 2022. But for now, a moment in time: ALBUMS Shame – Drunk Tank Pink / The Weather Station – Ignorance / Mogwai – As The Love Continues / Black Country, New Road – For the First Time / Jane Weaver – Flock / Robert Plant & Allison Krauss – Raise The Roof / Lindsey Buckingham – Lindsey Buckingham / Hard Feelings – Hard Feelings / Duran Dur...