Weep for me, dear readers, for the Shamrock Shake has left my life for the remainder of '09. Oh, we had such good times together, didn't we? Smalls and mediums alike (no larges -- didn't want to be greedy) ordered right and left, with no regard for dinner. Joy and laughter, discolored urine and bowel movements, sweet sweet high fructose happiness... And now it's gone. I had my last shake o' the season on Friday in Traverse City. The grand total was nine shakes, but now the only shakes I'll have will be the withdrawals from Green Dye No. 36. Sure, I'll buy strawberry (never ever chocolate, which should be spelled "chalk-late") but it won't be the same, like going back to your elementary school when you're in your thirties. The memories are there, but they're already swirling and fading like so much food coloring. So long, sweetness. You will be missed.