Do I think it will get better? I hope so, but when the long green buys enough power and influence to dupe those at the bottom into believing that there's hope to be found around the corner...well, it's hard to stay positive. Won't corporations realize that broke consumers can't buy their products? That no one wants to live in a town where schools are decimated and fire & police services are kneecapped?
And on a local level, can you find me ten people who believe that cutting corporate taxes in Michigan while simultaneously cutting funding for education and low/middle SES social programs is a winning strategy to revive Michigan? It's like telling a heart patient with a blocked artery to choke down a fistful of butter while running a 5K.
When is enough enough? Where is the floor on this crumbling glittering high rise called America? And how many sub-floors can protect us from the rank sewage below that shimmering facade? Dare I dream that one day, the U.S. can rise to 30th in income inequity? Has it come to this dim sad hope?
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