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The Concerts: 2007

Not a bad concert year, right? Interesting that the first thought I had when looking at this list was that I've spent a lot of time at concerts, feeling my back and my legs cramp up, listening to the mundane and banal conversations of those surrounding me, smelling a broad array of assaulting odors wafting up from unwashed and drugged-out fellow patrons, and generally wishing that the whole process could be refined and retailored to my aging ass. But that's pretty unlikely. And still, in spite of all the degradations, I keep going and going.

Coachella Music & Arts Festival [Empire Polo Field, Indio, CA 4.27/4.28/4.29] -- once again, a hard-to-beat line-up featuring the reunited Rage Against The Machine, along with so many high points {Justice, LCD Soundsystem, Jarvis Cocker, Amy Winehouse, etc.} amid the oppressive heat and hipsters

LCD Soundsystem [Majestic Theater, Detroit 5.7] -- so good at Coachella that I had to see them again, twice in two weeks, and they didn't disappoint as usual

The Hold Steady [Intersection, Grand Rapids 5.16] -- a good band at the right moment in time, in a rather intimate venue

Porcupine Tree [Intersection, Grand Rapids 5.31] -- ditto

Voxtrot / Au Revoir Simone [Intersection, Grand Rapids 6.6] -- in retrospect, a precious and twee grouping of bands that nevertheless entertained well

Pitchfork Music Festival [Union Park, Chicago 7.14/7.15] -- I recall Sunday being quite a nice day of music, with Jamie Lidell and Junior Boys and Of Montreal offering a grouping that easily beat Saturday's rather pedestrian presentation

Interpol [Orbit Room, Grand Rapids 7.27] -- seems that this show was billed as a test of the validity of GR as a touring destination, with the great and powerful Interpol as the canary in the coalmine; the show sold out, the band was solid if a bit too cool, and other bands have spent more time in GR afterwards

Of Montreal [Majestic Theater, Detroit 10.9] -- a fun time, before OM went a bit up their own ass and forgot to bring hooks and songs with them

Ween [The Fillmore Detroit 10.27] -- oh man oh man what a band...high expectations that were not dashed in the slightest

My Brightest Diamond [Ladies Literary Club, Grand Rapids 11.10] -- an amazingly talented Shara W. leads her band through her debut, as well as cover songs by Roy Orbison and Edith Piaf; a vocal mix of Jeff Buckley and PJ Harvey, MBD never quite caught fire as I thought they would, but on this night they were magical

Electric Six [Intersection, Grand Rapids 11.11] -- I know, I many times can I see this band?

The Cult [Orbit Room, Grand Rapids 11.23] -- this show answered the following question: what does a band with a few great songs and a blown-out lead vocalist sound like years after their highest point of cultural relevance?

So it's plain to see that 2007 started off strong and then petered out a bit, but it set the stage for an even more vast and expansive 2008. As far as concerts go, at least.


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