As always, what follows is only my poorly-formed and crudely-articulated opinion. If you want more information about the proposals in more specific detail (often with much less colorful language), then please seek out that information, from multiple sources if possible. Above all else, I want you to vote...but I'd also love to see informed voters vote with their brains and hearts. And my brain and heart are telling me the following:
Proposal 1 -- Referendum on PA 4/Emergency Manager
In principle, it's not a bad idea to have an impartial party enter an intractable situation and help to break gridlock and conflict -- after all, third-party mediation helps grease the wheels in ways that "negotiation" sometimes can't, as the NHL would be wise to heed -- but the evidence we have so far in Michigan w/r/t emergency managers involves highly paid individuals accountable to only themselves overruling and trampling over elected officials and contracts and the like, which is a corrosive influence on a participatory democracy. And we have enough of that already.
My vote -- NO
Proposal 2 -- Protect Working Families/Collective Bargaining
It should have never come to this. But given the legislative push towards Michigan becoming a right-to-work state, and given the strong history of organized labor in Michigan (with all the documented benefits that organized labor has offered America in the 20th Century), I'd hate to think of what could happen if this doesn't pass. We could become, like, Alabama or something. As the saying goes, I have a horse in this race, but having discussions with unionized and non-unionized colleagues alike, I'm putting my livelihood with collective bargaining.
My vote -- YES
Proposal 3 -- 25% by 2025/Renewable Energy Standard
Natural disasters aside, we're going to have more people in a decade, and those additional people will stress the power grid well past any existing limits. So we need a stick to brandish towards energy companies to spur innovation and diversification of energy sources, and this proposal could be a lot worse. Of course, the energy companies aren't too keen on this general idea, and while I can see their perspective -- there's a lot we don't know about the energy demands and sources for the next decade -- their perspective doesn't hold much import for me. Like increased energy efficiency for cars, 25% by 2025 isn't too big a load to bear, and if it forces some energy conservation and a deeper examination as to our sources of energy (like "clean coal," which is such a rich vein of bullshit) into the mix in the process, then so much the better.
My vote -- YES
Proposal 4 -- Keep Home Care Safe
I love old people. I am an old person, and I'm only getting older. Geriatric care is an exploding growth field in 21st Century America, so let's make sure that Grandma and Grandpa are safe and sound, no matter where they may be. And of all the proposals, this could potentially generate some financial savings.
My vote -- YES
Proposal 5 -- 2/3 Supermajority for Taxes
Seriously? Are you kidding me? This ignorant idea that we can somehow set taxation aside while spending continues to grow -- twinned with the tired idea that there are huge piles of "waste" that can be trimmed to reduce deficits -- should be permanently retired. It's bad enough that term limits keep slash-and-burn political mentalities alive and vibrant, but this taxation supermajority bullshit will help usher in the Apocalypse earlier than expected...which is maybe what those Left Behind zealots and vulture capitalists want after all.
My vote -- NO
Proposal 6 -- International Crossing Amendment
I've written numerous Facebook posts about the bridge situation -- which has dragged on for years and years, too long now -- and no raft of misleading monopolist ads and bought-and-paid-for legislators will nudge me from my clear and present fact-driven understanding that the new bridge will (a) create jobs & (b) foster trade and tourism & (c) not cost us a thin dime. It's going to happen regardless of this "amendment" trumpeted by Matty the Monopolist, so let's save time and make it happen sooner rather than later.
My vote -- NO
So to summarize, I have three "yes" votes (2,3,4) and three "no" votes (1,5,6). As always, your voting may vary. But so long as you vote, I'm happy.
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