One of the joys of teaching for almost 19 years is that I've build up quite a wardrobe. But as I'm teaching more online classes, and as I'm getting older and fatter, there's just no need or possibility for some of the stuff I've accumulated, as I don't have the face time with students that I had a decade ago. So last night, I pulled out all my pants and sweaters and shirts and suits and stuff to make some "should-I-stay-or-should-I-go" piles. And while I didn't discard as much as I thought I might, there was still a sizable swell of clothing to be worn by me nevermore. The worst of it was coming to the understanding that squeezing into good-looking yet ill-fitting pants did no one any favors. And the worst of that was saying goodbye to some long-treasured items, such as the Todd Oldham glow-in-the-dark vinyl pants pictured above. I bought them on a Chicago trip in the late '90s, when I had a head of long and flowing hair as well as a stron...