For a large chunk of 2018, I had a pretty staid daily pattern: I engaged briefly with the news of the outside world, and once the incredulity and nausea reached a certain threshold, I would immediately retreat into the largely imaginary landscapes offered up by Netflix. This isn't to say that my time wasn't occupied with other pursuits, from reading comics and books to watching movies and sports, but after looking at my viewing history for the year, it was clear that Netflix had a hold on my time. I also worked and slept. Keep that in mind when you see the following list: Adamantium Status (in that it is bonded to my bones now and forevermore) Springsteen on Broadway Let me first say that I'm not the world's biggest Bruce Springsteen fan. To me, that means that I love his work from pretty much every period of his career, but I'm not a trading-bootlegs deep-cut sort of fellow. I first saw him in '96 on a solo tour, and I last saw him in an all-star grea...