Over the past fifteen years (both here at NCMC and at Kirtland Community College, where I taught as an adjunct for two years prior to my North Central gig), I've compiled some of my favorite comments from students. While it seems that traffic on sites like Rate My Professors has slowed (I haven't had a comment there in over a year), I still get the end-of-semester materials from my college, and they're always a source of light entertainment. Usually, it boils down to a bipolarity: If the student did well, I get praised, and if the student crashed and burned, well...we know who to blame, right? Every now and again, I get something substantive and thoughtful, but otherwise, it's a lot like the following. (Errors of spelling and punctuation left intact, of course, so as not to obscure the student voice.) • He is either really smart or so stupid he seems smart • Makes little squeak noises sometimes and talks to himself at times • I would never recommend this class to my wo...