"I bet you'd drop ten strokes if you golfed more," my father said on a windy early evening last week just outside of Gaylord. We were playing the back nine of the Gaylord Golf Club, driving up to the tee boxes on the 17th hole. I was having my usual experience of up-and-down play -- mostly down, to be honest -- but I thought about what he said and decided to engage in a little experiment: That next week, I would golf nine holes at least once every day during the week to see if I could get the average to drop. And so I did. If there's one positive to having seven online classes, it's that you can schedule your time for golf pretty easily. And after grading for hours each day in the early morning -- Monday was the worst, with just over an hour's worth of grading for each class, eyestrain and neck cramps be damned -- you really want to hit a little ball as far as you can over and over, so it was 9-hole therapy at its finest. With a few texts and Facebook messages...